1. NACE best poster Award – CORCON 2017 held at Mumbai during the period 17th to 20th Nov. 2017.
2. Outstanding Reviewer Award – March 2017 - Awarded by Elsevier – Construction and Building Materials Journal.
3. Outstanding Reviewer Award – July 2016 - Awarded by Elsevier – Construction and Building Materials Journal.
4. Recipient of Distinguished Scientist Award – from Venus International Foundation, Chennai during Dec. 2016.
5. Best Poster Award (Oral Presentation) 2014 – awarded by NCCI, Karaikudi.
6. Best Poster Award (Oral Presentation) 2012 – awarded by NCCI, Karaikudi.
7. Awarded Raman Research fellowship for the year 2011-2012 during July to Nov.2011.
8. Recipient of 17th NIGIS NACE Corrosion Excellency Award (2011) for outstanding contribution in Corrosion Science and Technology.
9. Recipient of CIDC Vishwakarma National Level Award 2010 for Outstanding Scientist –Instituted by Planning commission, Govt. of India jointly with Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC), New Delhi.
10 Best Paper Award (Oral Presentation) September 2008 – First Prize awarded by NCCI, Karaikudi.
11. Best Paper Award (Oral Presentation) Dec.2009 – awarded by NCCI, Karaikudi.
12. Bharath Jyothi Award (March 2008) – For outstanding achievements in Research – India International Friendship Society – New Delhi.
13. Recipient of Young Scientist Award - awarded by CECRI for the years 2002, 2004 and 2005.
14. Best Poster Presentation Award : 2003 awarded by NCCI, Karaikudi.
15. Best Book publication: First prize – in 1998 awarded by CECRI, Karaikudi.
16. Brainpool Fellowship during the period 1st April 2017 to Dec.2017 – Hanyang University, South Korea.
17. Post Doctoral Fellowship during the period March 2005 to Aug.2006, Yonsei University, S.Korea
18. American Biographical Institute, Distinguished as an honorary Women’s advisory Board Member- Since 2004.