Current Focus

Brass Cluster

CSIR-CECRI, as a part of its societal initiatives, has recently brought laurels to CSIR as well as the entire brass cluster in the country especially Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh.  The main focus of the programme is on the development of cyanide free electrolytes, and anti-tarnishing techniques for providing improved finishing and better quality products leading to a pollution-free environment and a surge in the export of handicrafts products and brasswares.  It has also brought a new lease of life for the platers as they can now live in a healthier environment and their life standard has improved considerably. <more details>


CSIR has launched "CSIR-800" program to leverage its relevant technological knowledge base, for the benefit of 800 million people of the country lying at the bottom of economic pyramid. Many CSIR laboratories are working not just in high science but also generating meaningful S&T interventions for the common man. CSIR has also made a plan to establish many new linkages and build partnerships with different ministries/ departments to reach the unreached and demonstrate to the world that S&T can change the face of a country, bring smiles to the faces of 800 million citizens, and kindle in their hearts hopes for a better future.


More details about CSIR-800


Click here for more details


CSIR 800 Brochure in Tamil

CSIR 800 Brochure in English

CSIR 800 Brochure in Hindi


Architectural design proposal Poster


Click here to view poster


Architectural design competition information Brochure


Click here to view Brochure


Architectural design results


Click here to view results

 Click here to view final results


Bogalur Site


 Click here to view Bogalur site Map 


Consultants for CSIR 800 program at CSIR-NAL, Bangalore:

CSIR-NAL, Bangalore invites application for consultants for CSIR 800 program. For details, kindly visit the following link.



New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI), the largest public-private-partnership effort within the R&D domain in the country, looks beyond today’s technology and thus seeks to build, capture and retain for India a leadership position by synergising the best competencies of publicly funded R&D institutions, academia and private industry.  NMITLI has so far evolved more than 60 largely networked projects in diverse areas viz. Agriculture & Plant Biotechnology, General Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Materials, Information and Communication Technology and Energy. These projects involve more than 80 industry partners & 270 R&D groups from different institutions and more 2000 researchers are actively engaged. <more details>

Molecules to Materials (M2D)

In this project, to be funded by CSIR under the XIIth five year plan programme, CSIR-CECRI's role is to develop electrochemical sensing strategies for environmentally and clinically important analytes. Basic aspects of electrochemical sensing especially related to electrochemical sensor arrays for single and multi analytes and electrochemical imaging will also be covered.  Soft materials (paper, fabric) based sensor platforms will also be given a special focus. This project aspires to develop sensors for blood gases, blood glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin and lipid profile. Also, we envisage the development of materials that can be used as implants and materials that can be used for the fabrication of protective clothing and medicated fabrics. In this context, products such as  zirconium based glass implants, medicated fabrics prepared with nanomaterials (ZnO and TiO2) and nitric oxide releasing materials  and fluorosilane based protective fabrics will be delivered.