Bio-sensors Milestones / Achievements Publications


S. No.AuthorsTitleJournal NameYearVolumeIssuePage No.
1 Sheela Berchmans, Mary Vergheese-T, Kavitha-AL, Manoj Veerakumar, Yegnaraman-VElectrochemical preparation of copper–dendrimer nanocomposites: picomolar detection of Cu2+ ionsAnal. Bioanal. Chem.20083903939-946
2 Kuo-CW, Sivakumar-C, Wen-TCNanoparticles of Pt/HxMoO3 electrodeposited in poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrene sulfonic acid) as the electrocatalyst for methanol oxidationJ. Power Sources20081852807-814
3 Angaleeswari-B, Amirtham-RMD, Jeevithaa-I, Vaishnavi-V, Eevera-T, Sheela Berchmans, Yegnaraman-VPoly(o-anisidine)-anion composite films as sensing platform for biological moleculesSens. Actuators B20081292558-565
4 Sheela Berchmans, Arunkumar-P, Lalitha-S, Yeganaraman-V, Bera-SPreparation of catalytic films of platinum on Au substrates modified by self-assembled PAMAM dendrimer monolayers Appl. Catal. B2009883-4557-563
5 Salome-JP, Amutha-R, Jagannathan-P, Josiah-JJM, Sheela Berchmans, Yegnaraman-VElectrochemical assay of the nitrate and nitrite reductase activities of Rhizobium japonicum.Biosens. Bioelectron.200924123487-3491
6 Karthikeyan-R, Kumar-KS, Murugesan-M, Sheela Berchmans, Yegnaraman-VBioelectrocatalysis of Acetobacter aceti and Gluconobacter roseus for Current Generation Environ. Sci. Technol. 200943228684-8689
7 Arunkumar-P, Sheela Berchmans, Yegnaraman-VSelf-Assembled Monolayers As Nucleating Centers for the Preparation of Multilayers of Catalytically Active Pt FilmsJ. Phys. Chem. C2009113198378-8386
8 Venkadesh, A; Radhakrishnan, S; Mathiyarasu, JEco-friendly synthesis and morphology-dependent suElectrochim. Acta2017246  
9 Sadiq, MMJ; Mutyala, S; Mathiyarasu, J; Bhat, DKRGO/ZnWO4/Fe3O4 nanocomposite as an efficient elecJ. Electroanal. Chem.2017799  
10 Rajaram, R; Mathiyarasu, JAn electrochemical sensor for homocysteine detectiColloid Surf. B-Biointerfaces2018170 109-114
11 Mutyala, S; Mathiyarasu, JNoble metal-free Fe-N-CNFs as an efficient electroInt. J. Hydrog. Energy20184394746-4753
12 Rajendran, V; Mohan, AMV; Jayaraman, M; Nakagawa, All-printed, interdigitated, freestanding serpentiNano Energy201965  
13 Suganya, P; Venkadesh, A; Mathiyarasu, J; RadhakriMOF assisted synthesis of new porous nickel phosphJ. Solid State Electrochem.201923123429-3435