Management Council also plays a key role in the routine functioning of a lab in providing administrative support.
As per CSIR letter No. 8(6)/2023-PD dated 12-02-2024, guidelines for reconstitution of MC under Rule 65 of the Rules & Regulations of CSIR has been revised for the period from 1-1-2024 to 31-12-2025 as follows:-
i) Director of the National Laboratory - Chairman
ii) Four Scientists of the Laboratory representing various age groups -
1) Two Scientists in Pay Band -3 (one Scientist & one senior scientist) and
2) Two Scientists in Pay Band-4 (one Principal Scientist and one Senior Principal Scientist or Chief Scientist)
All scientists nominated under this category should possess either Ph.D or M.Tech qualifications and cannot be members of two consecutive management councils. Not more than one scientist will be a member of the MC from the Division(s) being headed by the Director of the Laboratory. Distinguished Scientist/Scientist H, wherever present in the Laboratory, shall be special invitees to the meetings of the MC.
iii) One representative of the technical personnel - Technical Officer of the Laboratory in Pay Band – 4, if exists or the Senior most Technical Officer.
iv) One Director level scientist from the same Laboratory or a sister Laboratory- Director of a sister Laboratory either from the same cluster or from the same city/state.
v) Head, Research Planning Business Development/Planning Monitoring & Evaluation of the Laboratory- Head of this Division and in case of existence of more than one Division in this category, the senior most Head amongst these Divisions.
vi) Controller of Finance & Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer of the Laboratory - Senior most Finance & Accounts Officer of the Laboratory.
vii) Controller of Administration/Administrative Officer of the Laboratory as Member Secretary.
In the absence of the Director, the Acting Director of the Laboratory shall be the Chairman of the MC and preside over the meeting of the MC and also approve the proceedings. The MC shall meet not less than thrice in a financial year.
CSIR-CECRI Management Council was reconstituted as per CSIR letter No.8(6)/2015-PD dated 21-03-2016 with the following members: