Short Term Refresher Courses:
Responsibility of this division is to conduct as many as short term refresher courses/ training programme for the benefit of entrepreneur, persons from industries, PSU, other govt agencies Viz. Naval dockyard , DRDL , ONGC, IOC , Academic Institutions etc in the fields of Corrosion , electroplating and metal finishing, batteries, material science , pollution control, instrumentations etc. Every year we organize around fifteen such courses. Over the years this division has conducted 820 such courses over 7000 persons from various industries, educational institutions and entrepreneurs have been trained.
Tailor- made Training Program:
we also organize tailor-made training to cater the need of industries as technical services at their premisesor at CECRI. Some of the beneficiaries are M/S Cairn Energy India Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon, Indian Oil Corporation , Mumbai, Bharat Electronics Ltd; Bangalore, TVS Motor Company Ltd, Hosur, Bank Note Press, Dewas, NTPC Ltd, Ramagundam etc.
Programme for Faculty/ Teacher / Students :
Special Training for college science faculties ,science school teachers etc under CSIR HRDG’s scheme are also being conducted. CPYLS ( CSIR programme on youth for ledership in science) has also been conducted every year for the benefit of state toppers in X std public exams.
Staff deputations to the Training , Seminar , Symposia, Work- shop etc:
This division processes the deputations of Scientific and technical personnel including research scholars, project personnel to various conferences and training , by the way of communicating their nominations , and sending the fees etc to the organizers.
Every year we coordinate the deputations of over 700 (Scientists /Research fellows/ Project assistants / staff) persons to around 100 Seminars / symposia/ conferences / training etc. in all over the country.
Industry Oriented Technology Courses being conducted every year
- Corrosion Control in Boilers and Heat Exchangers (CSE-1)
- Cathodic Protection Systems & Devices (CSE-3)
- Pipeline Corrosion and its Control (CSE-4)
- Paints for Corrosion Protection (CSE-6)
- Instrumental Methods of Analysis (CIF)
- Lead Acid Batteries : Science & Technology (BAT-1)
- Waste Water Treatment Technologies(EPC)
- Surface Coatings by Physical Vapour Deposition(PVD), Chemical Vapour Deposition(CVD) and Surface Analyses (ECMS).
- Industrial Practice of Electroplating and Metal Finishing (IMF-1)
- Maintenance of Electroplating Baths (IMF-2)
- Electroplating of Copper, Nickel,Chromium and Precious Metals (EMFT-1)
- Trouble-Shooting in Electroplating and Metal Finishing (EMFT-2)
- Electroplating and Anodizing Principles and Practices (EMFT-3)
Key Contact details
Scientist in-charge
Seminar and Training
CSIR- Central Electro Chemical Research Institute
KARAIKUDI - 630 003
Tamil Nadu
Ph: 04565-241 471 / 470
Fax: 04565-227713
Email: st[at]